Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mona Fartlek

The Thursday crowd goes from strength to strength. Today was Serg, Ray, Tim, Richard P, Darren Q, David Clark, Chris and myself. Met at Opera House gates and ran 90 (90), 90 (90), 60 (60), 60 (60), turnaround, 60 (60), 60 (60), 30 (30), 30 (30), 30 (30), 30 (30), 30 (30), 30 (30).

Unbracketed times are ran hard and bracketed times are a float, the idea being to keep them sub-4min per km. Intention is to get back to the start by the end of the session. The idea of shortening the rep times (and rests) is that the pace is maintained throughout.

Serg g-mapped the route here:

Took it out with Ray and Serg but with Serg pushing on it was just me and him by the turnaround with Ray about 50m back (he was taking it easy for Sat afternoon). Picked up David Clark on the way back and the three of us pushed it all the way. Finished about 150m beyond the start so we must have quickened the pace quite a bit.

The route suggests 5.85km for the 20 mins - average of 3:24 per km including the floats. I reckon the floats were no quicker than 3:40 pace so we must have been averaging under 3:10 pace for the hard intervals. Enjoyed this one. It hurts when you're doing it but you can recover quite quickly afterwards.

2km warm up and 4km warm down for 12km all up.

That's three good sessions in three days so I lifted the confidence a bit.

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