Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Balls Head Revisited

14km around Balls Head with three marathon pace stretches - from the Commodore to Balls Head, along the Luna Park Foreshore and over the Harbour Bridge. Really enjoy this session - the fast patches are never too painful (and I don't time them) as I just try to get as close as possible to lactic build up then try to run relaxed to keep it at bay. Felt fresh for the start of each one although the stretch over the Harbour Bridge is more an acceleration all the way due to the hill to start.

Felt great today - only ill effect from yesterday's session is a pain behind my right knee, more noticeable when trying to run uphill. Hoping it's just a minor strain. Still got sore ribs following my fall from the Razor 10 days ago though.

54:15 for the section I time.

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