Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tough Twin Tuesday

AM: 40mins very easy fortunately bumping into Lewis along the way.  Ran past the Cap'n now looking like Jon Bon Jovi courtesy of a new haircut.  4:54's.

PM:  Jogged to ESMarks with Renee and Erika. The latter could hardly control her excitement at her first ever track session.  They were joining Greta while I did my first RunCrew session since pre-JPMorgan.  Session was 3 x 4 x 400m with a 200m jog between reps and 600m jog between sets.  

The crew has changed a bit in my absence with some seriously fast blokes.  The first group was Matt Hudson, Kevin Batt, Keith Mc, Liam Ridings and wonderkid Jackson someone (16yr old who has run 3:50 for 1500m).  Second group was me, Alex, Neil and Damien Simpson, much improved chap from Dee Why.  We split up over the second set and I was well behind Damien at the end.  Fastest 400m was 72s (WTF? I normally average 67/68) and slowest was 75s.  Very windy but still.

Jogged back to the office after for 18km all up and 26km for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Jackson Sharp it is, Just ran 3:51.04 at Hunter track classic tonight. only 17.
