Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Steamy MLR

Alarm went off at 5.45am and I had to make the decision whether to be out running within 15 minutes or roll over and head out at lunch.  But with a forecast 39C by lunchtime I had to bite the bullet.  It resulted in a new PW for the first km (5:32, which actually included a few strides to get some bloodflow into my legs) and when I saw Darren and Erika the former said I looked like Macca at the start of a run.  Lewis and The Cap'n then showed up so we did the Shelly/Fairlight loop and I finished with 4 x strides on Nolans.  Turned out to be pretty pleasant running along the beachfront.  We'll be longing for these sorts of days in July.

16km all up averaging 4:36's.  Need to start incorporating some hills into the MLR but for the moment I'm just adjusting to the increased kms.

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