Thursday, January 26, 2017

RunCrew Centennial Set

Well, an evening kick off in Centennial at least kept me off the beers during Australia Day.  Had to play backyard cricket with no excuse of "holding a beer can" for why I dropped the catches.

Smaller crowd with Gary, Benny St, Matt H and Dave Byrne leading the 6 x 800m with Alex and I working together behind.  Admitttedly, Alex taking the outside line so probably running an extra 10m than me.  Straight into a jog 400m "recovery" and, while it slows the reps down a bit, I prefer the constant moving and think it gets me fitter.  They were all 2:35 to 2:37.  I'm sure Tiger's 800's are longer than HuRTs ones.

Short recovery then Alex and I went into a tempo.  I did 1 lap of the white fence, he did 2.  I ran 12:18 although may have finished in the wrong place (all over the place at the end).  Was probably more a 12:25.  Anyway, 3:26 pace.

Happy with that.  Feel as though I've got a bit of strength there but totally lacking in speed at the moment.

17km all up with w/u and w/d.

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