Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Nolans 1km reps

Great turn out with Barts, Darren, Erika, Elle, Toby, The Vonk, Lewis, Ben, Paul H and even Jamie showing up at 7am for some Nolans 1km reps.  Did a decent 5km warm up and set up the cones.

The Vonk was flying doing just 5 reps whil Lewis, Barts and I formed the second group.  Averaged 3:13's which wasn't bad on that surface.  Last 2 reps were quicker when I took my shoes off.  Interesting data on the new watch shows just how much the cadence increases when running barefoot. Angus will be excited by this:


Cool down to Queensie, quick dip in the ocean and then brekkie at Emporio.

Caught up with Big Sam in the evening, great to see him again:


Finally, my mates from school had their annual get-together back in Hexham and sent me a special photo message:


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