Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday sweats

No time at lunch (again) so out early with Lewis knowing I couldn't miss a day with plenty of travel this week.  A nice 10km chatting with him meant the time passed quickly and feeling almost quite good at the end.  Top start to a lovely Summer's day with a cooling breeze along the seafront.

Thoughts for the day:

1. Who is this Martin Odegaard fella? Some silky skills.
2. As I get older, old conservative people annoy me more and more.
3. Need to sit down and talk with my lawyers more.
4. I've become obsessed with a large glass of water with lemon in it first thing in the am.
5. Some people are born pleasers and others not. 3 of my kids are pleasers, 2 definitely not. 99% of lawyers are pleasers.
6. Sell and rent or reno now. You read it here first.

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