Monday, December 05, 2016

Catch up

Busy time at the moment.

Thursday night was the biathlon and it was a case of mission accomplished taking Timmy out by 25s (but he failed to offer me a head to head bet) and TKS by well over the minute offered.  Here is the happy snap:

Then on for a few beers catching up with Wildman at The Bell (strange place that one - not too sure about the clientele).  Wildman was on good wild man form:

Friday was frantic but included our department Xmas lunch so no chance to squeeze a run in.  

Saturday could only squeeze in 5km between various kid duties.

Out for the usual long run on Sunday catching up with Craig for the first time in months, also including Darren, Scotty, Lewis, Toby, Banksy, the Vonk and Elle.  Easy pace (4:37's I think) but struggling quite a bit with the groin stiffness, OP like pain which got worse during the run.  Did some rolling out for the first time in donks last night and feels a bit better this morning.  Can't forget the 1%'ers.

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