Sunday, November 27, 2016

Long run

Haven't run long in a month so I was a bit apprehensive, particularly as I've been suffering from a bit of OP recently.  Massive crowd though (Barts, The Cap'n, Lewis, Scotty, Jerome, Eoin, Toby, Elle, Erika, Darren and graced with the presence of the Shire's finest with LJ marking her Hardcore debut.  Hell, even Jeet appeared from some bushes at some stage telling us he'd just seen a large snake.  We didn't explore that conversation any further).

Did about 28.5km in about 4:25's or thereabouts.  Survived.  Almost didn't survive the bodysurfing at Queensie when I got tumbled and ended up on top of Darren with my shorts around my knees.  

Nice lunch at J-Fens yesterday and old mate Quentin went out of his way to honour our C2S head to head.  Top bloke:


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