Thursday, October 27, 2016

Wednesday sort of MLR

Does 17km count as an MLR?  I think it has to be 18km to be an MLR.  Just like a long run has to be 26km.  I don't think Timmy's done an official long run in 3 years.

Was late for the group (work too busy again) but bumped into Jimmy early doors around the Opera House so did the rest with him which made it much more enjoyable.  Finished with the usual 4 hills up the Domain.  Felt sore and tired to start after the previous night's session but better at the end.  17km all up in 4:40's.

Another early morning shopping trip (6.20am) this am to get the kids packed lunch food and dinner.  No-one in the shops at that time which makes it dead quick.  But got home to discover Billy had scoffed all the Arnotts Premium Choc Chip cookies last night which sent Claudia into tears, so had to improvise with some jam sponge.  Wish I had packed lunches like this when I was a kid.

Decided to run Berlin Marathon next year so sent a HuRTS email out looking for support..

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