Saturday, October 29, 2016

Saturday 5km tempo

Couldn't get out to Parkrun due to the busiest kid schedule ever.  One drop off for Duke of Edinburgh weekend away, 2 drop offs and pick-ups for sport (Avalon and Wahroongah - just to make life easy) plus 3 separate parties.  I've covered 200km in the car today.  Eventually got out at 5pm so did 4km warm up then 5km hard (2 loops of golf course again) with the same cool down.

Started and finished at the corner of Quirk and Balgowlah Rd thinking there was a 2 loop Strava segment that covered that section but it wasn't picked up.  Went out hard which was tough as the first 400m is an incline to the clubhouse. So your legs are cooked from then.  3:08, 3:16 then the hills clocking 8:03 for the first lap before a 3:22, 3:17 and 3:13 (8:15 second lap for 16:18 all up).

My PB is 16:17 set back in March when in peak form before London.  But back then I ran 8:08 and 8:09 so much more even split.  In short, I'm in good but not great form.

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