Sunday, October 16, 2016

Melbourne Half - 15th in 1:14:00

Well, some races you just have to get through and tell yourself you're stronger for having competed.

Bit of a shambolic build up as I've never done Melbourne before so had no idea where to go etc.  Got funnelled into the MCG and from there it seemed to make sense.  Found the preferred start area, quick chat to Erika and then Eloise (just running for the win - no time in mind) and then we were lining up.  Took off with the likes of Brett Robinson, Ben Moreau & co feeling great for 200m until a rise up to Flinders St emerged and my legs suddenly felt like jelly.  Didn't really recover from there.

Loads came past until I eventually got into a rythmn and started to re-catch people.  Massive shout from the family at 3km which was nice.  By the end of St Kilda Rd (5km - 16:39) I was in a pack of 6 with Eloise about 50m back.  Then we hit the wind around Albert Park.  Holy crap.  It was a joke.  One by one we all tucked into behind each other, tripping over each other's heels in the process.  Eventually at the top end we turned away from the wind and I pushed on - with the group fizzling down to 3 but catching the chap in front.  Again hit the wind in the pit lane around Albert Park (10km - 34:30 - almost 18mins for that 5km!) before turning back to St Kilda Rd.  

St Kilda Rd was another joke.  Huge headwind the whole way had us sharing the lead in our group of now 4.  From here my sole aim was to: 
1. Avoid getting chicked.
2. Beat these jokers in my group.

At 17km we turn off SKR and here's the extended family again screaming their heads off so I give them a fist pump as I'm feeling pretty good having run 3:40's for the past few km while bludging into the wind.  Up the pace a bit here.  Eloise is getting too close.  Back on SKR towards Flinders St station - another huge shout from the fam and we're now on the tow-path.  Decide to attack the pedestrian street hill to drop the group and it works.  Into the G and enjoy running loop to the finish.

Feel pretty crap now having stoked the virus.  I wouldn't have run but for the fact I'd have got a reputation for pulling out post-London.  But glad I did.  

Erika had a great run to finish in just over 84.  Hoey showed his incredible endurance to hold on for a 2:32 whilst the Cap'n ran a very solid 2:46.  They were my runs of the day.

Then onto post-run drinks which lived up to expectations despite my short attendance:

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