Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Tuesday double day killer

AM:  30 mins easy to South Steyne and back seeing Q, Erika and the Cap'n along the way.  Little more than a shuffle  at just over 6km.

PM:  Jogged to ES Marks from work then borrowed Gary's flats (more comfy than mine, might start investing in New Balances) before being told the session - 2km hard followed by 10x400m.  Told Jared and I were to lead the 2km in 70's, with Matt and Keith doing 4km.  Decided to lead the first lap as I honestly couldn't see myself holding that pace for more than 1.  We went through in 70, 2:22, 3:33, 4:45 then finished in 5:56.  Km split in 2:57.

Was pretty rooted after that but got a fair break before the 400's started.  I just watched on as the rest of the squad are considerably better at running 400 reps than me. Jared floats around making 63's look like a jog while Alex R opens up making 66's a stroll.  I was happy to keep them all at 68s, with reps 7 and 8 at 69s when I was really struggling.

Absolutely knackered at the end rolling around on the track for a good 5mins.  Haven't felt that tired from a session in years.  2km warm down around the track then a 2km jog from Jared's to Manly Wharf for 15km all up and 21km for the day.

Have to point out how well Matt Hudson is running.  An 11:50 4km followed by 10 400's in 63 with the last in 60 flat.  He was flying.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Heavies, no idea how you could run that fast in those bricks
