Friday, August 05, 2016

In them there mount'ns

AM:  30mins in Wentworth Falls.  Two observations.  First, it's very hilly and very traily.  I managed 4.5km in my 30mins.  Second, when in the bush, I feel the need to crap.  I'm like a bear.  A search for broad leaved bushes ensued this morning.

PM:  Feeling as though this morning didn't count, headed out at dusk in Wolgan Valley for 6km.  Got scared when a boulder started barrelling towards me, turned out to be a wombat.  Kirst reminded me of the time Warrior Charlie saved Claudia in a similar situation when camping with him in Kangaroo Valley.   

Gradually feeling better post-fever with gastro issues being the underlying problem.  Even managed 22 straight push-ups this evening!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! "A search for broad leaved bushes ensued this morning."
