Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Fun in the rain

AM:  6km very easy

PM:  Jogged to ES Marks after work.  It was pissing down.  And cold.  Wore 2 t-shirts, my milk tray thermal and a hoodie.

Turned up to find an almost deserted track but a full strength Runcrew which says a lot about the squad.  Matt, Keith, Gerald, Alex, Neil and Vlad all there.  Session was 2km + 10x400m + 2km.  Rain was so heavy it was a joke and Gary sensibly had us jogging between every rep to keep warm.  1 lap jog between each set and 200m jog between the 400's.

Stuffed up my watch on the first 2km but I'd guess 6:15.  Then every 400m rep was around 72s (with Neil going particularly well) then finished off with a 6:18 with only Matt in front which was nice.

Token warm down for 14km all up.

14 + 8 push ups tonight. Yay!

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