Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tuesday double

AM:  9km easy with Justin and Jamie along the beach and around the golf course.  

PM:  Jogged to ES Marks after work.  4km hard in 12:24.  Just sat behind Alex R for the first 7 laps until Gary shouted to go ahead.  Then started catching Keith Mc on the final lap finishing just behind.  Felt pretty good.  

Then a bit of a rest before 200m fast, 200m jog x 6.  I may be able to hold on for 4km but I'm woeful at sprinting, being about 10-15m behind Alex, the McPhersons and Matt for each rep.  Basically my 200m reps are run at the same pace as my 4km rep.  I think only Neil P has a worse conversion.

13km all up.

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