Sunday, July 31, 2016

Saturday long run

The Manly Hardcore wanted to run long on Saturday and Barts was calling for a fast finish. Great turn out with Barts, Macca, Craig, Vonky, CT, Scotty, Ray, Toby, Ben and myself all in.  I tentatively planned to join them in upping the pace but decided early on I wasn't up for it.

Dragged my ass home with Ben feeling sorry for myself and wondering why I was feeling that way.  It's been a 113km week with lots of hills but didn't really explain feeling so flat.  Later realised I'd had no carbs the day before.  Grilled chicken and salad in the evening, a quiche at lunch and Mafia Eggs from Belgrave Cartel in the morning.  I'm pretty sensitive to nutrition these days and sure that didn't help.  Need a good Spag Bol before a long run.

Ended up with 29.2km averaging 4:26's.

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