Sunday, July 17, 2016

Final day

Head back this arvo so set off at 7am for a long run.  Much more pleasant this morning only at 29C.  Headed straight down the Pinellas Trail for 13.5km then returned.  Felt great this morning and ended up averaging 4:13's.  Finally seem to have acclimatised.

Must say the Yanks are really friendly.  3 of them stopped to talk to me this morning - 2 on bikes and 1 at a water stop.  One of them passed on a bike and shouted out "wow, you must be running at 6:30 pace!" and sure enough I'd just done a 4:03 km (6:31 mile) so he knew his stuff.

Headed out after the run to an old-school diner for brekkie where I had the "Country Skillet" which consisted of loads of stuff covered in sausage gravy (essentially lard with sausage bits in it).  Couldn't think of a better long-run recovery meal.

Florida has been much better than I expected.

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