Friday, April 08, 2016

60min tempo

Bumped into Kanser as I was about to start warming up so we jogged together talking about his sickness but how he'll still smash Timmy in the Canberra Half on Sunday. Then straight into the tempo.  

Not much to report.  Started at 3:25's but settled into 3:29/3:30's for the first half.  Had a couple of aberrations around the wharves on the return where the Garmin reckoned I was Jesus and spat out a 3:43 and a 3:40 but then back to 3:32's.  Pushed the hills on the way back as I felt full of running today.  All up 17.1km in the hour (3:31's) despite the errant middle couple of kms.  All set.

Warmdown for 20km all up.

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