Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hungover Saturday

Had a few too many red wines at the neighbours last night so Parkrun was out of the picture.  Got out mid-afternoon and didn't have long so ran a 3.5km warm up to Manly Golf Course then two loops (5km) hard and then the same jog home.  

Wasn't feeling keen for the session (itself a shortened version of Tiger's scheduled session) and struggled throughout, it felt tough.  8:08 for the first lap and 8:09 for the second so nice and consistent,  but the Garmin was measuring short so I ran the extra 50m to hit 5km on the watch in 16:29.  Last time I did this session (30 Jan) it was 2 laps in 16:51 - so not too bad in the circumstances.  At least I did something.

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