Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tempo time

Hour tempo on the cards and Barts bailed saying he was "too tired".  Not sure what that means.  I think it's code for secret training as I saw him at the 3km mark of my tempo with Super Coach Timmy Lindop.

Felt tired from the start and after a 3:30 heading downhill feeling as though I was putting plenty of effort in the signs weren't good.  Gradually got into it.  29:00 at the turn at Barangaroo and back to the start in 57:47 so happy to negative split.  Finished with 16.87km (3:33's) which I was pretty chuffed with in the conditions.

3km warm up and warm down for 23km all up.

Only way i'm getting through this bigger workload at the moment is to constantly focus on the next session and not dwell on what you've just done.  Seems to work.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work Tom. That would have been tough. Conditions were much better at 5:50am at NthHead.
