Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 52

500m, 2km, 500m, 2km, 500m, 2km, 500m.  Up at Sparrow's Fart for this unorthodox set.  Each rep has a 500m jog recovery so it's 11km all up.

Met Jamie and Macca at QSLSC. Reps all along the beach to Shelley and back.  First one felt a struggle, middle reps mentally the hardest and I felt best towards the end.  Looked at the watch at 8km before the final 2km rep and realised I needed a 6:37 to get under 36mins for 10km, so that became the goal and pleased to run 3:20 then 3:14.  Ended up averaging 3:36's for the 11km including floats.

Nice shouts from Burkey, Erika and Darren all out on a beautiful morning.

1.5km warm up and 4km warm down for 16.5km all up.

Today is day 52 of my streak. Tomorrow it ends.

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