Sunday, January 17, 2016

Long run

Same as last week and another big crowd, this time with Barts, Scotty, Darren, Erika, Dicky, Ben, the Cap'n, Tim P, Macca and Craig.  Bit tired after yesterday so wasn't keen to lift the pace at the end but with Macca dropping the water stops and Barts super keen I just tried to tuck in behind him and Scotty.  A few 3:30's there and a faster earlier pace meant I did the 30km in 2:07:09 (4:14's). I'll pay for that this week.

Did my best to recover by having the Grumporio Big Breakfast (Barts ruled out Troubador) followed by a super hot bath. Ocean as good as ever.  That initial cold rush as you get your head under is my favourite moment of the week.  Sad deprived life that I lead.

Very strong running by Erika who did 37km in 4:29's.  She's hitting some form.  Darren holding on for 2 hours 45 too.  But biggest improver is Tim Peel.  3 weeks ago he was struggling with the earlier pace and only running 45mins with us. Today he did 27km averaging 4:21's.

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