Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday with some class

So LJ has steadily been getting back into her running post injury, slowly increasing the distance and getting fitter.  And with limited time this morning she couldn't afford the usual 27 water stops.  So she decided it was time to take the step up from Centennial and join the Northern Beaches crew.

Ben, Elle, Erika and myself joined the Shire Starlet.  I was knackered and managed a measly 15km at a gentle pace before retiring to prepare the house for a few guests.  It's fair to say that LJ ran with a broad grin on her face with infrequent utterances such as "this is amazing!" and "I can't believe you have access to this all the time!".  I think she may be back.  And she didn't even get to the Grumporio.

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