Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Manly biathlon

So the triathlon was canned due to the potential for wet roads on a very hilly and twisty route.  It was just the 700m swim to the Mambo metal stairs and back followed by 5km to Queensie and back.

Jumped into the water and it was hell. Couple of big rollers came over and I was swallowing water.  Steadied myself, reverted to breastroke and I was ok.  Was on the heels of one fella but could see Jono and Macca (and Charlie not that I knew it) miles ahead.  Every now and then I'd revert to freestyle but lose the toes of my pacer so realised I'm quicker at breastroke.

Saw some big fish and some big shadows which was a bit sobering.  At the metal stairs the waves were crashing into the wall so had to navigate quite carefully.  After an age it was all over and went into transition surprised to see Ben coming in just behind me.  Spent an age in transition getting my socks and t-shirt on then onto the run.

Hammered the first km knowing I just needed to get some blood flow through the legs.  Felt like my stride was tiny but I was passing a load of people so felt encouraged.  Saw Jono and Macca just after I went past North Steyne but where was Charlie?  Turned after the steps at Queensie and we're now into a headwind.  This should help me I think so just put my head down and grind out the final 2.5km.  Finish in 17:0x for the run only to see Macca, Jono and Charlie chatting together at the end!

17:15 for the swim.  17:0x for the run.  ~1min transition for 35:15 all up.

Lovely b&e roll with coffee with the gang at Shelley Kiosk as we're all done before 7am.  Now knackered.

The top 4:

Too much tomato sauce:

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