Saturday, June 06, 2015


Coach said no Striders because of Launnie next week, so Parkrun followed by some 1min reps.  Met Quentin early doors to jog over.  Was pretty impressed with myself for getting up and if Q hadn't arranged to meet me I reckon I'd have rolled over and told myself I'd do the session in the afternoon.

Arrived to find Barts and J-Fen also there so a quality line up for a Parkrun particularly with North Head Striders on the same day.  Did some warm up strides and noticed quite an Easterly headwind.

Ran with Barts and Q until 2.5km when Q fell off.  Barts pulled ahead gradually from 4km but I felt good today - in control and not scared by the pace.  Was pleased to end in 15:56 - second fastest ever and a good sign for next week.  Bart's won in 15:50 with Q in 16:20 and J-Fen running well solo on his Parkrun debut for a 17:07.

Then did a 3km jog back around the course before starting the 10 x 1min reps off 1min recovery.  Did them around the fields next to Parkrun start/finish with Barts and Q, being replaced by J-Fen after rep 3.  Then a jog home.  So about 20km all up for a solid session.

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