Monday, June 01, 2015

Marathon tempo

Over to the Bay for the marathon tempo. Alex R and Barts would be running 20km with me (well, Barts originally said 18km but I knew we'd be able to guilt him into 20) and then I had to do the final 7km lap solo.  Gary was riding his bike alongside (Benny St was doing the same to a couple of others in RunCrew doing a similar session) handing out water and gels.

Plan was to hold 3:30's the whole way.  That's pretty much what we did - a bit faster a times and marginally slower on the hills at the end of each lap.  Felt pretty good early on and only started to feel my legs tightening a bit near 20km when Barts and Alex seemed to lift the pace marginally.  Had to dig deep running solo on the last lap but all in all I was pretty happy.  27km in 1:33:54.

Concern is how much longer I could hold that pace before it would all fall apart.  I remember Tim Rowe running an effortless 30km time trial a few years back before the Canberra Marathon but it all going wrong when the big day came around.

With warm up and down it was 31km.  Massive thanks to Alex and Barts.


  1. Geeze
    3;30's for 27km !

    Great running

  2. Amanda4:22 PM

    A friend and I also did 27km around the bay on Sunday (night). We reached the 16km mark in about 1:25 and I thought - right, 8 mins to do another 11km, we can do it.

  3. Good run Tom. Is 3:30 the pace for the Marathon. So 2:28 for the distance.
