Sunday, May 03, 2015

Long Sunday

So no let up from the coach and straight into a 33km run this morning.  The success of the NOBS is drawing more people to the runs - 9 of us this morning with Barts, Macca, Craig, Quentin, Andy, Johnny Binfield, Erika and Darren all showing up.  

Route was Narrabeen and back via the Western lake path, with a loop around Queensie to make up the 33km.  Nice gentle pace all the way for 2:29 (4:31's).  First time over 30km in a long while but felt fine until the final km when the lure of coffee and a b&e roll made my legs a bit weak.

The Toon are tumbling down the table and have to be favourites to join Burnley and QPR now.  I can only dream about mid table mediocrity.  Go Pacquiao!

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