Saturday, May 23, 2015

15, 10, 5

Good night at the Striders Dinner last night and too busy with kids sport to do Parkrun this morning.  So headed out at 2pm and Macca was keen to join in too.  Session was 15mins tempo, 5 mins jog, 10mins tempo, 3mins jog then 5mins tempo.  Coach said keep them controlled.

Did them around Nolans and Passmore.  Averaged 3:23's for the 15mins, 3:20's for the 10mins and 3:15's for the 5mins.  All up 10.41km in 38mins (3:39's).  Good session.  Macca went well, on the 10mins he cut a corner and gave me something to chase and when he's in front he holds on really well.

4km warm up and warm down for 18.5km all up.

Watched Billy's team ping the ball around for a 7-0 win this morning.  Billy is at far left.  The slightly rotund kid next to him is our secret weapon.  Every team makes an assumption and sees him as the weak link.  But he's called Enrico and he's from Brazil and when he shows them his skills, they soon learn...

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