Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Out early in the dark with Justin and Dicky.  Couldn't find my trainers so had to wear an older pair without orthotics.  Amazing how much lighter and bouncier you feel without them.  But the downside was my achilles was tight even early on.

Honest pace as ever with Dicky leading the way but he turned back at the roundabout up to North Head so Justin and I dropped to a more comfortable pace without him.  17.6km all up - 4:37 pace.

Kirst is on a dairy free, low sugar diet and I discovered this amazing yoghurt that fits the bill.  Seriously, it's nicer than any normal yoghurt I've tasted.  Had a massive dollop on my Weetbix post-run:

And this one's for Timmy - Fog on the Tyne:


  1. Just when i think the blog can't seriously get any more tedious, Tommy H goes all Hoey like and starts a food blog - Good Heavens above, shoot me now.

  2. April Fool - you don't really eat that substitute yoghurt crap !!!

  3. Timmy, you never know Tommy may even start with some film reviews. Whatever next....
