Monday, April 13, 2015

Seal Rocks

Coach had 90mins down.  Ran 90:01 - basically to Yagon and back twice.  Should have got up earlier and arranged a run with Quentin who was staying at Treachery, but I'm no good early in the morning when camping.  When I run that undulating route (which I reckon I've now run more than anyone in history) I always seem to run the hills strongly and work the glutes.  It meant I ended up covering 21.02km in my 90mins (4:16's).

Some great results from Canberra over the weekend, with Neil winning the Half in 71:32 (exactly the same time I ran in NY) and Craig coming 2nd in the 50km in 3:07 going through 42.2 in 2:38.  Good to see Kanser getting some form back putting a minute into Timmy in running a low 83.

Tucks continued his trail dominance in coming 2nd in the Buffalo Stampede Ultra to some Englishman - no shame in that.

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