Saturday, April 18, 2015

60mins tempo

In Seal Rocks.  Waited until the late arvo, did a 1km warm up (not least to get the initial big hill out of the way).  Then nervously got under way.

Basically ran to Yagon on the unsealed road (4km) and back, twice then plus some.  First km is a gradual uphill the whole way and did it in 3:42 thinking hokey cow, this isn't near the 3:30's coach was expecting. But that was the slowest km.  Averaged 3:36's for the first 30mins then 3:30's for the second 30mins.  Ended up doing 17km in 60:21 (3:33's).  

Bloody tough over the undulating hills.  Felt a bit nauseous afterwards but got a lot out of it.

2km warmdown for 20km all up and 114km for the week.

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