Thursday, April 09, 2015

20 min efforts

Up at sparrows fart to lay some cones and meet Jamie and Amy, Macca and Erika for 2 x 20mins with a 5 min rest.  First 20 mins was to be fartlek (2 mins on, 1 min float) while the second 20mins was just constant effort. 

Went well this morning.  Jamie pushed the first couple of efforts on the fartlek then dropped back.  I must have slowed a bit during the fartlek as I did the first full loop in 8:00 and the second in 8:12.  But all up managed 5.84km (3:25's average). 

Felt much more comfortable on the hard effort run (if that's not an oxymoron) running low 3:20's until the 4th km slipped to 3:29 so put a bit more effort in to finish it off.  Ended up with 5.93km (3:23's average).

1km warm up and 4.5km warm down with Macca for 17km all up.  Rock solid training this week and feeling good.

Big news is I have a coach for the first time since my Dad coached me aged 16.  Signed up to RunCrew until Gold Coast Marathon.  So at least I'll have someone to blame if it all goes to crap.

Tommy's stat of the day:

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