Saturday, March 07, 2015

Striders North Head - 4th in 32:39

Up out and early and, for the first time, rode to the start line.  Well, rode to the bottom of Darley Rd then pushed the bike up the hill.  Didn't want to risk overdoing the glutes.

Bizarre experience while taking some excess clothes off before my warm up when I put my hand on the window ledge of the building where the refreshments are to feel something moving underneath it.  Removed my hand to see a slightly squashed red back spider (biggie too) trying to crawl away.  Panicked a bit, then realised it hadn't bitten me so all good.  But got the heart going.

Massive turn out from the squad and loads of the faster runners on show.  Barts, CT, Criniti, Neil P, Lewis, Quentin, Hoey, Andy, Macca and Mitch Dean all showing up.  But late pull-outs from Enda (queasy tummy worrying about Macca's form) and LJ (dodgy ITB) with knock-on consequences for Birchy.

Plan was to push hard early and work with the inevitable group.  Mitch and Barts immediately went quicker than the rest of us with me, Neil, Lewis, Hoey, Quentin and Criniti in the next group.  At 2.5km Criniti comes flying down the hill outside the kiosk and pushes ahead and I must have subconsciously upped the pace to follow him.  He moves ahead after 300m but it blows apart our group and I'm now running solo.  However, coming back towards the Stone Arch I can hear them catching and Neil and Hoey draw level at about 5km (16:10 I think).  I struggle on the false flat after the arch with Hoey taking the pace and immediately think here we go again. But all I have to do is hang on and allow him to drag me around with his usual even pacing.  Around 6km we must have dropped Neil.  8km I'm blowing very hard up the hill and give up hope, but by the long flat towards 9km I'm feeling ok again.  Push the downhill, get a bit of a break at the Arch and work very hard up the false flat to the finish.

Pleased with the time.  Disappointed to be 20s behind Barts but he is in great form.  Another great run by Hoey and I have to thank him again - 30s PB looking smooth.  Quentin did his usual trick of just holding off Neil and Lewis ran 33:38 behind CT. He should be much further up based on his training.

$20 from Timmy after failing to hold 4:15 and $20 from Enda for bailing on the Irish Challenge means my Striders race entries for the year are paid for in one fell swoop.

Coffee and B&E Rolls after.

This, apparently, is a 3/4 Latte. I think it's a Bondi thing.  The barista must be on secondment from SOTB.

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