Saturday, March 14, 2015

New York #3

Stepped out of the hotel in the usual running gear (2 long sleeve tops, full length skins, shorts, thick socks).  Ran 50m, turned around, back to Hotel and put a thick hoody on as well.  Absolutely bitter this morning, -1C but with a windchill to cut straight through you.

But a beautiful day and the usual route but coming back down 6th Ave.  Got overtaken in the park this morning.  Didn't like that.

Good luck to all running Six Foot today - I'll be tracking results from 4pm my time. Go Quentin!  Go Tucks!  Go Fats!  Go Jono!  Go Hoey!  Will be a great battle up front.

1 comment:

  1. What's your goal time Tommy?
    Are you in NY by yourself
