Tuesday, March 24, 2015

HuRTS 45min progressive tempo

Funny old day today.  Got out of the office to find it pretty hot and humid.  But then just as we finished the session the temp dropped and the rain started to fall. 

Made for a tough session with plenty of sweating, particularly wearing a T-Shirt.  Set out with Barts, CT, Tucks, Fats and The Other Manly Tom (TOM Tom).  Felt pretty good on the way out and we turned after 23:15 at the first traffic calming device past the bridges.  I pushed the pace after we turned conscious it would be tough to get back in the time available.

Barts went ahead at 30mins (hitting Alfred St at CQ) with just me and CT left. Started to feel the pace here a bit and we were at the OH gates at 34:15.  10:00 to get back going via the middle path which is solid running, pretty much finishing together.

CT running well again.  Some tired bodies out there today.

Ran 3+km this morning to the wharf and a long warm down with Barts and Andy for 20km all up today.

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