Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tiger Crew and Biathlon

Another super early start with Tiger's Babes for 11mins fartlek, 3 mins rest, 11mins tempo, 5 mins rest then 6 x 30s.

Just Lewis to chase today but chasing I was being shown a clean pair of heels, at least until the 30s sprints.  Ran those barefoot and felt great.  3:36 per km average for the 11mims fartlek (trying reasonably hard), 3:34 average for the 11min tempo (easing off) then sprinting hard on the 30s intervals.

Then in the evening was the biathlon.  Coerced into doing this by Timmy and really wasn't keen (nor was Enda, LJ, Jimmy, Durante et al.) but toe the line we did.  Felt pretty good on the run but with no-one to push me.  Then came the swim.  Didn't try as desperately as usual so swam 6:10 instead of my standard 6:00 but it was enough to hold of Timmy by 4s.  To be fair to him, he didn't make any excuses for dropping his goggles and it gets closer each time.  I was caught by Durante and McGartha with 20m to go and it was pretty desperate in the touch.  Matty Anderson seems to find it amusing that a breaststroker is fighting it out at the end and said as much (apparently) during the presentation.

But here is me getting my $20 for the head to head with Timmy:

And here are the squad post race.  I was absolutely rooted.

Great event. Some lovely beers post race with Timmy, Enda, 'Lil Jimmy, Durante and Sonya.  Top night.

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