Thursday, February 19, 2015

Running with Tiger's Girls

Met up with Danielle Allen, Emma Collyer, Anna White and Amy Stafford (the Manly Run Crew) as well as Macca, Jamie, Quentin and Lewis this morning at Passmore for a session Gary had scheduled for the girls.  It was 2mins, 6mins, 10mins, 6mins, 2mins off a 2min rest. 

Given we'd all be running different pace I laid out some cones from the centre of Passmore to the path at the perimeter (where we would do the reps) so that when we finished each rep we could just converge back in the middle with no-one having to travel any further than the others.  Worked quite well with each of us emerging from the morning mist to regroup before the next rep.

To be honest, Quentin and Lewis took it out quicker than felt comfortable for me, but to avoid running solo I tried to stick to them.  I did for the first rep, I think I dropped off the second towards the end (can't remember). On the 10min rep we ventured onto Nolans Reserve and I struggled on the grass but caught them on the final 2 laps of Passmore.  Same story on 2nd 6min rep and Lewis showed us all a clean pair of heels on the final 2mins.

Pace per rep went:

3:10, 3:23
3:17, 3:21, 3:14
3:16, 3:09

I found that pretty tough and was almost lactic on the final 2mins.  But did a long warmdown (5.5km), some stretching and a hot bath and I've got Pink Floyd legs now (comfortably numb).

The girls are strong.  Danielle has some real speed but must have had a tough week after her 5000m exploits on Saturday followed by a 1500m at the Bankstown Invitational on Tuesday night.  With focussed training I reckon she would be in Lara Tamsett territory.

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