Tuesday, February 17, 2015

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Rocked up today feeling tired again so planned to feel my way into the session.  Q, CT, Tucks, Andy, Crossy, Ray and Macca were there also holding back a bit so we ran about 3:40's on the first rep, getting back with 4s to spare.

CT, Q and Tucks pushed ahead on rep 3 with Andy coming past me while I finished with Crossy.  Was doing 3:32's on that one.  Got back in the same time but needed a final 300m push to do so.

Just a session to get through without hurting myself.  Not comfortable at all though.  4.5km warmdown with Andy for 16km all up.

Nice to see LJ back out again easing her way back in.  Andy looks to be getting some form back - Macca and Enda will need to watch the mild-mannered boy from Watford (Milton Keynes? Luton? Somewhere down south).

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