Tuesday, January 13, 2015

HuRTS 14 x 3mins - The Great Divide

Hot, hot, hot today.  And humid.  So with Mikey away, I warned everyone to take it easy early on.  

I pretty much did my own thing today, starting steadily at 3:25 pace and bringing it down to 3:10 pace by the end.  I'd start behind the field to have the psychological advantage of overtaking people on each rep.  Whatever it takes to get through this killer session in these conditions.

So why The Great Divide?  Well, after 10 reps I look up to see 75% of the squad sat in the shade of a tree having pulled stumps for the afternoon.  I then look at who's left to finish off the 14 reps and it's Macca, Barts, Angus, Charlie D, Jono Woodhouse and myself.  And what do we all have in common?  We all live North of the Bridge.  Those Eastern Suburb pussies with too much money for too many home comforts don't understand effort and sacrifice and pain.  NOTB = Hardcore.

Jumped in the Harbour to cool down after and it was magic.  Slightly longer warmdown for 17km all up.


  1. Peaking in January in the summer heat... Mark my words it's a mistake! Did you all go for a vegetarian brioche afterwards too...?

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Your first 4 reps were what I called my warm up before I started the actual session.
