Saturday, December 20, 2014

Long run and a Parkrun

No Barts this morning so forced myself out at 6.15am thinking Justin may be waiting.  But alas no.  So did a longish warm up of 8km bumping into good old Richie High with his family doing a Christmas Parkrun.

Set off on Parkrun and felt really good for a change.  I was running solo from 200m but felt strong enough to push the pace today.  16:24 all up so not bad for me running solo.  I'm usually the world's biggest pussy unless I have someone to chase.

Did another lap of the course with Richie, then an extended run home via Shelley Beach for 30km all up.  No dip in the ocean or b&e rolls today so took Mags and Claude out to Splat for a slap up break instead.  Nice.

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