Tuesday, December 09, 2014

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

The mojo has gone.  I've fallen off the wagon.  Was a struggle just to show up today.  But then all the big boys arrived so had to join in.  CT was off like a shot leaving Quentin, Barts, Dick Mullaney and myself chasing.  We were going too quick around Farm Cove so I backed off, thinking Dick was on my tail but it turned out to be Fats.  Reached exactly 6km at 20mins (the big corner on Hickson Rd) about 20s behind Quentin and Barts.  They came to join me for the return.  I did all the work on the way back and pushed ahead up the final hills to get back in 19:49 (9:55 for the final gate to gate).  So in the end a solid session in the heat and humidity.  Body feels it now.

5km warm down for 18km all up.

Now out for another boozy dinner.

Ooh, but check this out.  Enda has designed, commissioned and purchased a T-Shirt to celebrate his sporadically successful season.  Macca is not amused:


  1. Macca has no reason to be displeased all he had to do was run 5 seconds faster at Melbourne.... He'll have his chance to win it back next year!

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Tom, that was Mullaney for the fist 17 minutes, I figured we'd done about 5k and I did some sprints back to the start, ready for an 800m on Saturday. Hopefully I can share the pace at some point!
