Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Highnam Handicap

We're a fairly competitive bunch.  Since arriving here in Melbourne for the family Christmas, we've had competitive Mini-Golf (I didn't do so well at this), competitive Go-Karting (80km/h karts - I won this which made me happy) but the big event is always the Highnam Handicap.  

Basically, we spend 4 days arguing at meal times about our handicap start times, Dad has final say and everyone is required to take part over the 2.5km (other than Dad as official timekeeper and Claudie who has one more year respite).

I was starting off scratch, 15s behind Jack and 50s behind brother Jamie.  That's all I was aiming for, with any other scalps being a bonus.  I'd run to the start which was about 7km so was nicely warmed up.  Plan was just to run as hard as possible and use overtaking people towards the end as a spur to push on.

Felt dead legged to start with but after the first hill started to get into a rythmn and could see I was getting closer to Jack.  First km in 3:02.  Overtake Bec, then Kirst and close in on Jack.  Then suddenly at 2km a big group of us close in together - with Jack, Jamie, Sophie, Anthony (Sophie's boyfriend) and me all in a line.  2nd km was 3:00.  Had it been a 2km handicap it would have been perfect. But thankfully it was 2.42km.  I overtook them and Jack jumps on to my shoulder.  I tried to drop him straightaway not wanting a sprint finish but he still keeps up.  We're going pretty quickly now and the final drag uphill approaches and Jack drops off so now it's only Gill, Alec and, can it be so, Charlie! in front.  I pass Gill but that's it.  Chuffed to see Charlie take out the win but a great effort by all.

Here are the results:

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