Saturday, November 15, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 2nd in 15:53

Had a few beers last night, first on the ferry home then at a Mike Baird fundraiser at the Golf Club.  So wouldn't have fronted up for Parkrun this morning but for the fact I'd promised Barts I'd be there.  Met Macca, Justin, Jamie, Quentin and Jamie's mate on the run there.  We all stood around before the start wondering why we'd bothered.

Then we're off.  Suddenly I didn't feel too bad.  Barts set a quick pace from the start.  First km in 3:04, then 2nd km with me leading in 3:06.  Then Quentin comes through for the tricky km on the grass and it's a still solid 3:16.  I push up the hill and back around the loop for a 3:11.  Then Barts comes past, before I go past him again before the bridge.  Then he puts a real effort in over the bridge (600m to go) and I give up.  Q comes past.  I tell Q I'm gone and he should push on to catch Barts.  Then Q blows up and I go past him again.  So it finished Barts, me then Q in 15:46, 15:53 and 15:57.  Can't be too often you get 3 under 16 at a Parkrun.  Happy enough with the course PB.  Barts is smiling like a Cheshire Cat.  We try and tell him it was a dead rubber of a race but he's having none of it.  Fair enough.

Then we all jogged over to South Curly Ocean Pool and swam a couple of lengths before jogging around the foreshore to Queensie before Justin and I head home.  Great start to the day.


  1. If your head to head is up to date of this race then you have him 6-4 at the moment.

  2. Super parkrun Tom
