Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Fighter

They might as well have been playing Rocky's Theme as I emerged from Deutsche Bank Place today for the HuRTS Fartlek session.  But they breed them tough in the North East of England and I wasn't going to let a minor bit of flu and a grade 2 lung infection bring me down.  

Plodded over with the legs about to give way from under me and met the huge squad waiting.  Fortunately everyone was taking it easy today post the Half on Sunday so found a good group of Smolly, Jeet, Erikakaka, Timmy and others to run  with, with 'Lil Jimmy Matthews appearing at half way after nicking a motorbike having forged some keys this morning.

I'd like to say it was fun but it wasn't.  But coughed up some rubbish so hopefully took a step on the road to recovery and back to HuRTS #1, the people's favourite.

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