Tuesday, August 19, 2014

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

We're worried about Barts.  He's gone AWOL and not answering emails.  The pressure of the Truscott Super Series has finally got to him.

I've been taking Tuesday sessions a bit easier over the past 12 months, mainly because I realised it's too tough on the body to push a session only 2 days after the long run.  But having done the long run on Saturday, I felt really good today so decided to put a bit more effort in.  Even Timmy noticed.

CT, Crossy, Quentin, Muz and, wait for it, WILDMAN! were all there up front.  Macca, Andy, Timmy, MC, Pete W et al all in the next group.  We did an easyish first km on another stinker of a day - at least the rain held off but 'twas windy.  But from then the pace just ramped up and up until we were running 3:15's.  Reached 20mins just shy of the Northern entrance to Barangaroo - where we now finish the Hickson Rd reps - for 5.98km.  Felt OK'ish.  Fast but not excessively uncomfortable.  On the way back Q went quick from the start running 3:10's to 3:15's.  Just me and him by the hills at the end and finished with 12s to spare.  Very quick in the wind, although to be fair, I was tucked in behind the big fella most of the way.

Long warmdown for 7km all up.  Tough session and the legs are feeling it this arvo.

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