Thursday, August 28, 2014

Double day do be doo

AM:  was supposed to do a 17km tempo but was just too fatigued and sore this morning so knew it would do more harm than good.  So did 8km slow instead, bumping into Ryan Cantwell and Clive Cooper en route.  Seems a lot of people train early morning....

PM:  went to HuRTS.  Much kerfuffle over the session finally settling on 5 x 800m (measured by Timmy, so it was closer to 750m) followed by a 3km tempo (measured by no-one, so it was long).  I really struggled on the 750's unable to get my legs going.  Wildman had a whinge that no one was trying hard enough, so I pushed the last 3 and managed to come home in front on 2 of them.  Then slogged out the 3km tempo with Barts and Crossy in 10:20.

Warmdown for 12km all up.

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