Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fast finish Sunday

Out to the Boy Charlton pool early doors on a stunning Sunday morning to meet Macca, Jamie, Justin, Ben and Lewis Ingram.  Plan was 32-34km with a fast finish.  Macca seemed keen this morning (plainly coming into form after running a 1:16 Sri Chinmoy Half last week) setting a solid pace from the off, certainly quicker than the pace I'd slogged over the 1.3km from my new house to the pool.

Felt pretty good today though and was initially looking forward to the fast finish, but then from 17km onwards my legs started to tighten up a bit and the left glute was again a bit of a problem.  Pace was picking up on the out and back around Narrabeen Lake then from Narrabeen bridge I started to pick it up more just to test the glute.  Seemed ok on the flats and we we're running quickly - 3:35's along here.  Jamie and Justin dropped off first, then Lewis around the Long Reef headland but Macca was as tenacious as ever.  He even went into the lead coming into Dee Why and gave me a bit of a break.  But going up the hill through Dee Why he dropped off a bit so I stopped at the top to stretch my glute then ran with Macca back home with him once again getting back into the low 3:30's.  He's hitting some great form.

Felt good at the end.  Pleased I could hold on well for the first long run in 5 weeks.  All up 33km exactly in 2:15:45 (4:06 average) with the final 10km in 36:46.

Now to undo it all tonight at CT's 40th.

1 comment:

  1. That is disappointing to read... So much for all the "I'm not fit" rubbish...!
