Tuesday, June 17, 2014

HuRTS 45min Fartlek

Rocked up today for a bit of banter more than anything else, and got plenty of it with Enda and Barts in fine form - Enda thinking he's got the making of the former HuRTS #1 and Barts not yet ready to give any ground to the Irish upstart.

Only 3 of us from Launnie made it there, LJ, Birchy and myself taking it easy nursing sore bodies (and heads).  I ran with Macca, Rich Mullaney, Craig P and Phil Dove.  Wasn't that easy in all honesty - we were averaging 3:40's overall and I was mentally and physically drained.  Got back in 44:30 though so must have upped the pace on the return.

Big group upfront with Tucks finally giving it a go, Enda, Barts, Crossy and Clarkey all leading each other out but Barts showed he's on the comeback by leading them back.

Long warm down for 18km all up.

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