Saturday, May 03, 2014

Sydney10 - 30th in 32:37

Showed up not feeling confident at all and still feeling the effects of the cold.  But decided just to give it a go and hang on as far as I could.  Did a warm up with CT and then the usual hellos to all the HuRTS lads and lasses and we were on the line.  I was a few rows back as they were introducing all the elite (men and women).  The gun went and I found myself trying to pick my way through scores of people.  But soon enough I could see Barts and CT in front so the plan came into action.  By 2km CT and I had latched on to a group of Barts, Geoff Arnold and Robin W.  No idea as to times but I knew it was quick as Peter Costello, Dave Criniti and Vlad only appeared to be a short way up the road in front of us.  

Sure enough I was through 5km in 15:53 but CT and I had become slightly detached from the group.  I was feeling OK, certainly less desperate than I normally feel when running that quickly but was worried about how the cold was going to effect me later on.  Decided just to plough on as long as I could.  CT and I swapped positions until 8km (without him I'd have run 20s slower) when we turned for the long drag up past the ANZ Stadium.  At that point, Nick Bellemore comes past and we both trying to jump on to him, but I'm starting to give up.  They gap me a bit, then some chick (Gwen Jorgensen - 6th in the London Olympics triathlon) comes flying by me at 9km but I'm coasting.  Finally start to make an effort when I enter the stadium - ridiculously only to stay within 25s of Barts and win a beer from him as I could see him crossing the line when I enter the home straight.

Very happy with the time - if you'd offered me 32:37 on the start line I'd have grabbed it.  Disappointed I mentally gave up at the end blaming the effects of the cold when in truth I reckon it had no physical impact whatsoever.

Great run by Enda to smash his PB in 33:46.  Other massive PBs by Birchy, Renee and Erikakaka.  Timmy is finally getting back some form with a 37:02.  Tussle of the day was between Muz, Dicky H and Richie P all finishing consecutively within 3 seconds (Enda having overtaken them at half way).  Quentin will be disappointed with his 33:16 and Fats his 34:25 but both we're suffering colds and obviously worse than mine.

Quote of the day from Dave Criniti.  Was having a chat about marathons and he said he was planning on doing Gold Coast.  I said I was planning on a couple of Halfs and then the "full at Melbourne".  "There's a full at Melbourne?" he responds.

Around about 4.5km...


Told you it was hotly contested!